At the start of the process I’ve conducted research into the existing Minute application.
I wanted to know which issues it had and how they could be solved. To do this I used a couple of different methods.
I conducted expert reviews with UX designers, I’ve done a heuristics evaluation, a pattern research and I’ve spoken to existing users of the program.
When I had an idea of what needed to be changed I’ve conducted a target audience research.
I wanted to know how I could align these changes to the desires of the target audience and how they would react to it.
In order to get to know the target audience I’ve conducted interviews.
Interestingly the target audience really preferred to be taken through the steps of the meeting process.
They wanted to be guided along the way. This is why I choose to continue with this concept.
I decided to make clear before-, during- and after segments to the process.
In total I’ve created 9 wireframe iterations.
During each new iteration I made sure to test them with users in user tests.
In the last few iterations I’ve also asked for feedback from 2 UX design experts and a visual design expert.
The result of this project was happily received by Decos.