PokéLibrary | UX Graduation Project

The Case

Cellular Design

UX Design

Cellular Design

Logo Design

Cellular Design


During my Communication and Multimedia Design study course I had to complete two graduation projects. This project was the free project. I wanted to gain more experience in the field of UI and UX design and wanted to combine this with my passion for Pokémon. Due to my frustration of low UX quality in Pokémon database websites I decided to design a website myself. During this case I’ve been busy with all facets of the design process. I’ve conducted research, created concepts, designed wireframes and tested my findings and deliverables often.

The Brief

Because this was a free project I formulated the briefing myself. I hadn’t formulated main- and sub-questions. This was due to the focus of this project lying within personal growth rather than tackling a central issue. The project was mostly execution based. For me the following questions were at the center however:

- Who is the target audience?
- What does the target audience think is important to find on a database website?
- What is a logical layout and structure according to the target audience for the information found on the website.

With these questions in mind I started my design process.

The Process

During the research phase of the project I’ve been busy with identifying the target audience. I’ve found out that for the purposes of my website there were two distinct types of Pokémon players. I’ve captured their identities in persona’s. The information in these persona’s is based on interviews and surveys I’ve held with the Pokémon player community. During these research methods I focussed mainly on Information Architecture. This means that I was busy figuring out what kind of content the target audience deems important and in which order it should be displayed. Through this lens I’ve figured out that gameplay element A might be more important than gameplay element B for example. I’ve made 6 wireframe iterations. The first iterations were lo-fi wireframes in which I mostly experimented with the structure of the content. I’ve done this by printing out the wireframes and cutting them into pieces. I asked the target audience to put them in order of importance. This way I figured out in which way the content should be displayed on the page. From version 5 onwards I started working hi-fi. I created my own branding for this. The whole process and the prototypes can be found below.


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