Name: 'Mirage'
Sells: Accessoires & Armour
Colour Scheme: Red & Gold
- Designed to be very vibrant. The owner sees it as a high-end fashion shop, but it needs to come off as over-the-top and tacky.
- The indoors will have a red carpet running along the middle, with some golden decorations.
- The shop won't be massive, it'll be placed between two other buildings, so don't think of a gigantic building.
- The name 'Mirage' fits the idea of it being more for show - not that the owner realises this, to them it just sounds like a fashionable name.
- To fit the "they think it's high-end but it's actually garish/tacky" theme you'll need to go somewhat over-the-top, just make sure you don't go overboard either.